Ionix Gas Technologies products for local natural gas distribution operations
IGT Aerosol Static Suppressor for exterior static suppression during O&M and repair operations
IGT Aerosol Static Suppressor is designed to replace wet rags used for exterior static suppression in construction and repair operations.
Our Aerosol is a state of the art topical antistat specifically designed to eliminate static on exterior pipe surfaces of natural gas pipes. Since it is a topical antistat it dissipates static immediately upon contact. It is not necessary to keep the surface wet or to ground the pipe. It continues to dissipate static even after the spray dries.
It is faster to use and more versatile than traditional wet rags static dissipation because it is not as labor intensive as wet rag procedures are.
Also, because it is a spray, IGT Aerosol Static Suppressor, it can be used to dissipate static in operations where grounding straps have previously been used - such as dissipating static inside hot taps.
IGT Aerosol Static Suppressor is equally effective on metal pipe as on plastic pipe.

IGT Aerosol Static Suppressor Reach Tool for dissipating static from a safe distance
The IGT Aerosol Static Suppressor Reach Tool allows you to apply our IGT Aerosol Static Suppressor from a safe distance before repairs commence. It has a non-electrically conductive pole which extends to 8'.
If your procedures require a fire suit or prohibit workers from entering an excavation until static suppression is complete, you should be using the IGT Reach Tool to remotely dissipate static before operations begin.

IGT Static Suppression Cartridges for internal static suppression in gas piping
IGT Static Suppression Cartridges are designed to continually suppress static INSIDE pipe.
This continuous static suppression will:
suppress pinholes in PE pipe - especially in service lines.
prevent shocks to workers.
suppress internal static that causes ignitions of leaking gas during repair operations, O&M and purging operations.
prevent electrostatic burnout of sensitive electronic service meters and SCADA equipment.
suppress the creation of static at overpressure relief valves when engaged or during emergency venting of gas. This prevents possible igntions.
IGT Static Suppression Cartridge can be installed anywhere in your system. You can install it at your delivery point/gate station or downstream at any point at which you want localized static suppression.
IGT Static Suppression Cartridges dissipate interior static from point of introduction to burner tip as long as all the gas passes through our Cartridge.
IGT Static Suppression Cartridges will dissipate static on any surface - metal or plastic. Metal pipe does not diminish the effectiveness of Ionix treated gas.